Friday, June 24, 2016


"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants." -Isaac Newton-

This quote above alone should be enough to completely express what is meant by ideas having sex.
The first idea meets the second; the second meets the third; the third meets the fourth and so on...
The Idea becomes a transmissible disease. The first idea has an essence...a seed of some sort. It pours it into the next, the second one. This, in turn, becomes an idea grown enough an independent enough to bring fourth new ones. It pours out its essence...its seed...into the next one, the third one. This third one does the same. It grows. It expands. It becomes something large enough, powerful enough to influence and create new ideas. It has an essence. It pours it out into the next one. The process continues...

It may come that this third idea meets the first one somewhere along the road (in what we will simply refer here as "The Idea-Space"). Of course, this meeting place is quite theoretical at this stage. But, the syntactic nature of both "Space" and "Consciousness" (whatever it may imply..."Awareness", most likely) seems to suggest some sort of Reality to all of this. The ideas interact (both within the Idea-Space and this space of physicality). John was inspired by the work of Paul. Paul said something that got John thinking a little deeper. John discovers something new. Peter meets with John occasionally. They talk. They converse. Out of that conversation came a few new ideas. Concordantly, all the way to the other side of the Globe, Andrew is working on the same idea (unknowingly to Paul, Peter and John).

What does it come down to, at the end?
It comes down to ideas essentially merging with each other, exchanging their seeds with each other and creating new essential ideas. From an evolutionary stand point, this can be the most expressive nature of Reality. It comes down to interactive expansion...a Synergistic Energy eXchange (SEX) aiming completely at the complexity of Novelty.

The following video is the seed out of which this musing came, should you be interested.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


In the Beginning was "It".
"It", that which without Beginning nor End, does not exist...not in the way existence is understood...for "It"... "It" was the moment before moments.
"It" is spaceless and timeless."It" brought forth the Logos...the Creative Force. Then, in turn, that Creative Force brought everything into existence. It's Language.

In the Beginning was Language, and Language was with God, and Language was God. Not one thing that was created was created without Language. This is so that Language might be a part of everything. Therefore, all can be considered part of that same Language...individuation of it...singular expressions of that Prime Linguistic Expression, The Creative Force, Magic.

Magic is the Power of Creation and Transformation, the power to name and to conjure. It's the Power to bring into existence, to take ideas and to manifest them. Magic is the Art and the Science of the Gods.It's the fire of the Gods, stolen from them and brought down to mankind by Prometheus, the Bringer of Light (Lux Ferre). That Light (Magic) was first...first in the moment of integral and indistinguishable part of the Logos, Language. Having received that Light (Magic), mankind learned to mold it, to work with it, to explore it, to understand it and to use it. This is ironic, because that Light (Magic), being expressed through All There Is, is being manifested in all individuation, all singularization of its essence. Therefore, in a sense, that Light (Magic) is looking back at itself. Just like the Artist, the Writer, the Dancer, the Singer uses its craft to Self-Express, that Light (Magic) uses all of its individuated part to Self-Express. Each linguistic entity of this literary work of magnificent rays known as the Universe is, or can be considered, a tool of expression.

Mankind understood that long ago and, with that understanding, broke the Light into ten particular categories...ten sephiroth, in fact... that would define the whole body of that Light. This body, they called: The Tree of Life. First, there is the Crown. It's the sign of authority, the idea of superiority and majesty. Second, there is Understanding, the ability to separate "this" from "that" and to make connections. Third, there is Wisdom. It's the innerstanding, the deep knowing that comes within and without. Fourth, there is Strength. Is it the brute force? Is it the ability to resist and to contain? Fifth, there is Lovingkindness. It's right there on the opposite side of Strength. Is it its negation? Perhaps...! Then sixth, there is Beauty, a combination of the previous four. It's essence usually lead to the seventh one.On the seventh position, there is Empathy; a result of the interconnectedness, perhaps...! Then eighth, we have Victory. But over what? Is this a result of separation? It's right there on the opposite side of Empathy. Is it its negation? Could be...! Then ninth, we have Foundation. Things get more tangible. It's the domain of Science. It's material. Following it is the tenth one. It's called Sovereignty. It connects the End with the Beginning, a reminder that it's all part of the same process. Time and Space are not flowing from point A to point B. They are forever existing as one story. The individual flows through it, read through read and seems to learn new things, discover new things as if they did not exist before. It's the illusion of a great work of Art.

Magic, as Mother/Father of Science, has been denied by its progeny. Its theatrical expression, it's penchant for all the ten categories of the Tree, has failed it, causing Science (mostly concern with the Foundation) to deny and reject her Mother/Father, concordantly, considering it as useless and banal. But, this isn't the case. The Artists, the Writers, the Singers, the Dancers and all the Creative Entities know this to be not true; and, when allowed to explore that creativity, the working of it, its internal and external relation, are capable of marvelous expressions. This marvelous expression is the expression of Magic. It's really Magic...essentially! The Writer, the Artist---the creative person, really---can conjure an real that idea...that it becomes timeless. Some ideas move from mediums to mediums, from writing to painting and to songs. Some move from painting to stories to songs and even to people. Indeed, people have embodied some of the most compelling ideas, entities, spirits (whatever word pleases one). Such is the power of the Magician, the Artist, or the Writer.